Leximnesia Pro – Florian Mortgat

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Translating technical documents

Translating technical documents


I am a trained translator from ESTRI (Catholic University of Lyon).

I can translate your professional and personal documents:

  • from English into French
  • from German into French

I am specialized in:

  • technical translation (mechanical engineering, automotive, IT…)
  • legal translation (agreements, memoranda of association…)

I have an SDL Trados Studio 2014 license.

ESTRI Degree

ESTRI Degree


If I am not available or do not have the language combination you require or if for some other reason you want to use another translator, here are ways to contact other professional translators and/or interpreters:

fr en de
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Design et site : Florian Mortgat
Crédits photographiques et iconographiques : Florian Mortgat (sauf mention contraire) ; Crédits du portrait : Marie-Cécile Mortgat ; Conception du logo: Étienne Pot
Moteur wiki dérivé de: Wikiss