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I am a passionate, self-taught programmer. I am ready to offer you my knowlege and skills to develop custom applications or solve specific issues.

This is a tailor-made application I made for an old friend. As he is also a talented programmer, he could have done it himself, but he has much more complex work to do. The application automatically renames remote files on an FTP server according to a precise naming convention.
I can do a website like the one you are reading now. For simple, efficient, mostly text and images websites, I use a fork of
Wikiss, like the CMS I created for a French association called
Plateforme d’insertion par l’humanitaire et la coopération or for a
translator colleague. These website have very few lines of code, and use very little javascript (no frameworks/libraries, just a few lines that improve user experience a little bit without making it harder to use a no-script browser).
On the other hand, I also make web applications (where javascript is, this time, required), such as js.Leximnesia (a simple flash card application), Consegraphy (an online symbol database developed for the Interpreting department of the University of Geneva) and Glossary Builder (a converter that turns spreadsheet glossaries into small, booth-ready, web-based dictionaries for interpreters and translators).
If you are facing a very specific problem (like files no longer readable or an external hard drive your system no longer detects, or raw data you want to process and structure, or strange symbols replacing the accented characters in a text document), it is sometimes possible to find a solution without having to develop a full-fledged application. I can examine your problem and, if you are fine with the solution I suggest, solve it.
I design and develop applications such as:
- conversion utilities (see below)
- file format converter
- script for saving files from a dying hard drive, using a special algorithm to prioritize files deemed more important (so that if the disk fails during the process, less important files will be lost)
- (thereagainst) : application for renaming remote files on an FTP server to avoid problems linked to names containing spaces, accents, special chars, etc.
- Tkrecord, a front-end for arecord, aplay and lame, that enables you to record mp3 sounds in quick succession (no click required)
- figure/number alignment tool for a translated document and its source to quickly scan for typos/errors…
- full desktop applications such as Leximnesia or OTO
- games and serious games (including Retinotes, a very simple animation app – result here in video)
To bring you customized solutions, I rely on various languages and technologies.
- web technologies (php, html5, css, javascript): like the website you are currently on
- databases (sqlite, mySQL): e.g., conversion utility, SDLTM into XLSX
- python and C: e.g. Leximnesia
- Microsoft technologies such as VBA for Excel, Access database manipulation, HTA): e.g. workflow accelerator for translation services invoice calculation
- Inkscape and Gimp script-fu plug-ins (in python): e.g. plug-in to plot the 2D template of a 3D object in Inkscape
- various GNU/Linux technologies: e.g. scripts for glossary management
Design et site :
Florian Mortgat
Crédits photographiques et iconographiques : Florian Mortgat
(sauf mention contraire) ; Crédits du portrait :
Marie-Cécile Mortgat ; Conception du logo: Étienne
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