Leximnesia Pro – Florian Mortgat

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An interpreter’s desk. 
 Photo by Tiina Hyvärinen, 2009, CC-BY-SA

An interpreter’s desk.
Photo by Tiina Hyvärinen, 2009, CC-BY-SA

Interpreting services

Conference interpreting

I am a trained conference interpreter with a Master in conference interpreting from the Faculté de traduction et d’interprétation of the University of Geneva (formerly known as ETI).

If you are looking for interpreters, you can find them easily on InterpreterCalendars.

Design et site : Florian Mortgat
Crédits photographiques et iconographiques : Florian Mortgat (sauf mention contraire) ; Crédits du portrait : Marie-Cécile Mortgat ; Conception du logo: Étienne Pot
Moteur wiki dérivé de: Wikiss